Stay tuned for information about future L2BB events!
Below, you’ll find the recording and slides from the 2022 L2BB team’s online conference, which we hosted the day before our in-person symposium. We hope to inspire other high schoolers—as well as students and scholars of all ages!—to listen more closely to their local community members (Buddhist and otherwise) and to discover the transformative possibilities of experiential education.
Online Conference
Tuesday, May 24th 2022
This conference took place on Tuesday, May 24th from 1–2:30pm ET. We presented the fruits of our learning and built in time for participants to learn from each other and discuss questions related to Buddhism and Buddhist pedagogy. Attendees included Buddhist studies professors, monastics, school administrators, journalists, and more; a unique blend of voices coming together to reimagine Buddhist education. This term, our group immersed ourselves in a study of American Buddhism in our local Merrimack Valley context. In the presentation, we connect what we’ve learned to broader themes and ideas within Buddhist Studies and pedagogy at large.